Sunday, November 9, 2014

Project #4

C4T #3 Summary #1

In my C4T #3 post #1, I was assigned to a Physical Education teacher by the name of Joey Feith. Joey Feith is a Physical Education teacher in Canada and also the founder of In this particular blog post, Joey host the 2014 #physEd Awards. Like most award shows, he allowed all the winners to conduct a speech by uploading a video that they recorded of themselves. I thought this was very cool because everything was done through technology, which is something I never seen before but I love the idea. Also in his blog post he gave a special thank you to all the people who took the time to vote and promote the awards. In my comment to his blog, I told Joey that I never knew award shows for Physical Education teacher across the world exist and that once I become a Physical Education teacher, I hope to be awarded for my outstanding performance as being a Physical Educator.
Physical Education award show

C4T #3 Summary #2

In my C4T #3 Post #2, I read and commented on another one of Joey Feith blog post. A quick reminder that Joey Feith is the founder of, so in his most recent blog post titled The Skillbook he was discussing his goal of building a community of physical educators who were willing to help push each other to be the best teachers they could possibly be. For the last few years, he was dedicated to helping physical education teachers get online so they could connect, share, and collaborate with fellow educators from around the world. In his process of building a vibrant, engaged, and geographically diverse community, his overall vision was having every child everywhere get the high-quality physical education experience they need and deserve. As I was sitting there reading his blog post, I thought to myself that this is really a great idea and something that I would love to be a part of to help better prepare for my future career as a Physical Education teacher. In my comment to his blog, I told Joey that I would love to be a part of something that is going to help benefit my career and that I enjoy reading his blogs because I always learn new things.
The Physical Educator

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