Sunday, November 23, 2014

Project #6

C4K Summary for November

My First C4K this month was a student by the name of Patrick. Patrick blog was titled Break up Declaration-Dress Code. In his blog, Patrick wrote about his school enforcing all the students to wear school uniforms. Patrick felt like everyone should be able to express themselves through their own clothing by being able to wear whatever clothes they wanted to wear instead of paying extra money for school uniforms or waiting for a certain day to dress down. He thinks that the school should get rid of the dress code and be more like most public schools which do not require their students to wear uniforms. In my comment to Patrick blog, I told him that I understand exactly how he feels and I do agree with him because every parent is not able to buy their kids uniforms each year.

My 2nd student was a 5th grade student by the name of Savanna. Savanna blog post was titled Homework floder promblem/solution. In her blog post, she simply gave advice to her classmates about what resources to refer to if they forgot their homework folder at home or lost it. In my comment to Savanna’s blog, I told her that was extremely nice of her to inform her classmate on what to do if they forgot or lost their homework folder.

My third C4K was skipped due to Veteran's Day!!!!

My last C4K was a 5th grade student by the name of Trevor. Trevor blog was title My sister and I. In his blog post, he explained some similarities and differences that he and his sister have. One of the things they both have in common is that they both enjoy playing video games. He also mentions that he enjoys skate boarding but his sister does not; she enjoys playing with her stuffed animals but he does not. Overall the point Trevor is trying to make is that we all have similarities and differences. In my comment to his blog, I told Trevor that I like the fact that he has a great relationship with his sister. I also explained to him that my sister and I also have a lot of things in common.

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